< Jamina
from Nya Porrstjärnor 3
Notes |
- Finnish, b. April 25, 1983
- tattoos: right shoulder, ring-tattoo upper left arm, left wrist;
small one on left shoulder-blade, left instep, lower back
- piercing: navel
Pseudonyms |
Films |
- 110% Svensk Blondin
- 110% Swedish Blonde alternative title for 110% Svensk Blondin
- The Best of Jeppe 2009
- Best of Swedish Pornostar Nora Nord alternative title for Best of Swedish Pornstar Nora Nord
- Best of Swedish Pornstar Nora Nord Dir. Christer Frankell
- Capricorn alternative title for I Vädurens Tecken
(as Jamina Blue, plays Bagarlärling (Baker's assistant?))
- Delightful Tales 2006
- Haluatko pornotähdeksi 2004
- Haluatko pornotähdeksi 4 2009
- I Vädurens Tecken 2006, Dir. Mike Beck
(as Jamina Blue, plays Bagarlärling (Baker's assistant?))
- I Vædderens tegn alternative title for I Vädurens Tecken
(as Jamina Blue, plays Bagarlärling (Baker's assistant?))
- It's Me Candy 2005 (post enhancement)
- The Magic Birds alternative title for Uivelot
- Mike Beck's Porno-Lotto in Bocklunda alternative title for I Vädurens Tecken
(as Jamina Blue, plays Bagarlärling (Baker's assistant?))
- Mmm ... Please Enter, Said The Girl alternative title for Mmm... Valkommen in, sa Flickan (uncredited)
- Mmm... Valkommen in, sa Flickan Dir. Christer Frankell (uncredited)
- Nordiska Flickor i Uniform
- Nya Porrstjärnor 3 2009, Dir. Mike Beck
- Porno-Lotto in Bocklunda alternative title for I Vädurens Tecken
(as Jamina Blue, plays Bagarlärling (Baker's assistant?))
- El Premio gordo alternative title for I Vädurens Tecken
(as Jamina Blue, plays Bagarlärling (Baker's assistant?))
- Pussy Academy - Skandinavische Schlampen in Uniform alternative title for Nordiska Flickor i Uniform
- Samson's Swedish Casting alternative title for Samson's Testskjut

- Samson's Testskjut 2006

- Sex for Money in Helsinki
- Sneaking On My Sister 2006, Dir. Henry Lake

- Spy Team - Vakoilijat 2008
- Suomalaista Teinipornoo: Teensex from Finland 1 2006
- Suomi Tytöt 1 alternative title for Suomitytöt 1 - Ensimmäistä kertaa kameran edessä

- Suomi-Amatöörit 1 2005
- Suomitytöt 1 - Ensimmäistä kertaa kameran edessä 2005, Dir. Kullervo Koivisto

- Swedish Casting alternative title for Samson's Testskjut

- Teen Town 18 2006
- Teensex from Finland 1 alternative title for Suomalaista Teinipornoo: Teensex from Finland 1
- Tiukan jäykkä yhdyntävilmi 2012 (uncredited, segment Radical TV osa 3)
- Uivelot 2008, Dir. Kullervo Koivisto
Links |
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