< Laura Lambkin
from La Casa
Notes |
- Hungarian, scorpion tattoo on right buttock; another one (of a lion) on the right ankle - known only from stills-sets, so may be a transfer, magazines: New Cunts 77
Pseudonyms |
- Laura Terenzi
- Laura Grimaldi
- Laura Butt
- Laura
- Laura Leiter
- Lolita (so credited in many Luca Damiano movies)
- Lora Lambkin
- Lora Lembkin
- Miss Laura Butt
- Sybille Vanderbild
- Sybille van Kamp
Films |
- Acomete por detras alternative title for Total anal
- Adolescenza perversa 1994, Dir. Mario Salieri
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Anal Agent Kowalski c. 1995, Dir. Christophe Clark as Christof Clark
(as Laura Butt)
- Anal Intensif alternative title for Anal Agent Kowalski
(as Laura Butt)
- Anna & Friends 1 alternative title for Sklavin der Leidenschaft
(as Sybille van Kamp, plays Ehefrau (wife - of the filmstar))
- Bildnis der Leidenschaft alternative title for Portrait-Passion
(in brothel scene)
- Black Hammer 3 1993, Dir. Michael d'Angelo
(as Lora Lambkin, plays Mimi)
- Black hammer 3 "Anal" - Coming to Bavaria alternative title for Black Hammer 3
(as Lora Lambkin, plays Mimi)
- Black Hammer in Bayern alternative title for Black Hammer 3
(as Lora Lambkin, plays Mimi)
- Buttwoman Does Budapest 1992, Dir. Patrick Collins (as Lara)
- La Casa 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Le Chiavi del piacere alternative title for Les Clefs du plaisir

- Clark Entertainment 4 - Daddy's Dirty Dolls alternative title for Daddy's Dirty Dolls (as Laura Butt)
- Clark Entertainment 6 - Anal Agent Kowalski alternative title for Anal Agent Kowalski
(as Laura Butt)
- Les Clefs du plaisir 1992, Dir. Michel Ricaud

- Les Clés du plaisir alternative title for Les Clefs du plaisir

- Cool Water 1995, Dir. Dino
(as Lora Lembkin)
- Couilles pleines pour jeunes pompeuses 1995, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano

- Un Culo... un mito 1990s, Dir. Mario Bianchi as Nicholas Moore

- Daddy's Dirty Dolls 1990s, Dir. S X Kowalski (as Laura Butt)
- Il Diario di Milly 1993, Dir. Davide Contessa as Nicky Ranieri
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Diary of Milly alternative title for Il Diario di Milly
(as Laura Terenzi)
- DinoVision 23 - Cool Water alternative title for Cool Water
(as Lora Lembkin)
- Diva Deborah Wells alternative title for Inside Deborah Wells (as Laura Grimaldi)
- Dolly Buster 15 - Miss Italy alternative title for Miss Italy (as Laura Butt)
- Dreams of Love 1992 (as Laura)
- Duras, tiernas y suaves alternative title for Teenies: Zart und hart
(presumably as Laura)
- Euroflesh 6 - Milly the Whore Sin City alternative title for Io ballo da sola
- Feuchte Wahrheit alternative title for Il Diario di Milly
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Fièvre Dir. Mario Salieri (as Laura Terenzi)
- Fievre italienne alternative title for Fièvre (as Laura Terenzi)
- Hótéhénke 1993, Dir. Kovi
(as Laura Leiter)
- The House alternative title for La Casa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Infedeltà coniugale 1993, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri (as Laura Terenzi)
- L'Infidèle alternative title for Infedeltà coniugale (as Laura Terenzi)
- L'Infidèle Italienne alternative title for Infedeltà coniugale (as Laura Terenzi)
- Inside Deborah Wells 1994, Dir. Magdalena Lynn as Nicky Ranieri (as Laura Grimaldi)
- Io ballo da sola c. 1992, Dir. Nicholas Moore
- Jay: Dreams of Love alternative title for Dreams of Love (as Laura)
- Lecca lecca da una sconosciuta alternative title for Black Hammer 3
(as Lora Lambkin, plays Mimi)
- La Louve Italienne alternative title for Inside Deborah Wells (as Laura Grimaldi)
- La Maison Close alternative title for La Casa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- La Maison Close Italienne alternative title for La Casa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- La Maison de tous les plaisirs alternative title for La Casa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Le Marteau pilon anal 2 alternative title for Black Hammer 3
(as Lora Lambkin, plays Mimi)
- Meine Cousine war die Erste alternative title for Adolescenza perversa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Milly la Ninfomane alternative title for Io ballo da sola
- Miss Italy 1990s, Dir. Dino (as Laura Butt)
- Mon mari par devant et tous les autres par deriere alternative title for Mon mari par devant, les autres par derrière

- Mon mari par devant, les autres par derrière 1995, Dir. Franco lo Cascio as Luca Damiano

- Orgasmo Haus alternative title for La Casa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Perverted Virgins alternative title for Adolescenza perversa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Les Petites salopes de papa alternative title for Daddy's Dirty Dolls (as Laura Butt)
- Porno provini bagnati per Milli alternative title for Io ballo da sola
- Portrait-Passion 1992, Dir. Moli
(in brothel scene)
- Il Ricatto alternative title for Le Tour de Manie Velle
- Rocco's Euroflesh 6 - Milly the Whore alternative title for Io ballo da sola
- Sklavin der Leidenschaft 1992, Dir. Harry S. Morgan
(as Sybille van Kamp, plays Ehefrau (wife - of the filmstar))
- Slave to Passion alternative title for Sklavin der Leidenschaft
(as Sybille van Kamp, plays Ehefrau (wife - of the filmstar))
- Tania's Lustexzesse 1990s, Dir. Moli (as Caroline, Angelique, Marie-Ann or uncredited)
- Teenies dures & douces alternative title for Teenies: Zart und hart
(presumably as Laura)
- Teenies: Hart und zart alternative title for Teenies: Zart und hart
(presumably as Laura)
- Teenies: Zart und hart 1995, Dir. Moli
(presumably as Laura)
- Total anal 1992, Dir. Roy Hunter
- Le Tour de Manie Velle 1992, Dir. Michel Ricaud
- Venecia Calling 1994, Dir. Dino
(as Miss Laura Butt)
- Vieni ... nella mia bocca! alternative title for Cool Water
(as Lora Lembkin)
- Viva Italia 2 alternative title for Adolescenza perversa
(as Laura Terenzi)
- Viva Tabatha! alternative title for Il Diario di Milly
(as Laura Terenzi)
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