It's been a while.

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Posts: 1967
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

It's been a while.

Post by Marino »

Hi BGAFD, fans.
It's been a while since I have been on here. Since I slipped quietly out the back door or porn.
I still have my web site running.

I was thinking about starting an onlyfans page, as I have so many pics and clips that have not been seen. I would like to put the idea out there to see the response if you guys think it would be a fun idea to do?
As I live in Spain now, once covid lockdown is over. I may consider inviting models for a small scale content swap semi holiday and do a couple of shoots in the sun.
I stay in contact with my old pal Pascal. But other then that I am a little out of touch with porn world.
What do you think?
Posts: 1217
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: It's been a while.

Post by M25crash »

Hello Marino.

Great to hear from such an ambassador for the Adult Business, a relief to know you are safe and enjoying a residence in Spain . Summer to be here soon .
I assume it is very quiet at the moment, and all are being instructed as to how to
live your lives in this pandemic .

I have not met you, though one evening bumped in to you mate , Pascal , in Leicester Square , and one of the Adult Parties being held in the night club there.

I do not have any accounts for onlyfans , or BentBox, though, I would say by the amount of traffic, and topics of relating to these sites , I doubt if you could go wrong. Especially , shall we say , your back catalogue of the extensive work you have performed and enjoyed .

I did see a few months ago , a fellow from your time ,Mr. Dave Wells was selling a huge stock of 33mm Slides , and now offering some adult content magazine's. I too have in a very small way have sold the adult mags on Ebay , ( Until told to stop) and they did return a profit.

Plus let face it your stables of lovely ladies were before the , trend for altering, enhancing the female body with , ink, or boobs, or Lips , so they were far more natural.

On a very personal level , I have shot at FICEB, in Barcelona , back in the day .
Should you ever feel you could charge for a few camera owners to attend a few days on Location with a few top models , I'm sure there would be a queue . Supply a named hotel to book us up in and a Few Euro would follow. Once us Brits are allowed back in Europe .....

Many thanks , Take

Andy .
Posts: 1967
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: It's been a while.

Post by Marino »

Hi Andy.

Thanks for the kind words. I am just toying with the idea right now, As I have so many behind the scenes photos and from my old porno lifestyle I just thought it might be a bit of fun, I have so many vid clips that could be added unfortunately I do not edit as I always used professionals for my movies. I am sure I could find someone to assist. I will look in to this over the next few months and see what I can come up with.


Posts: 1943
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Re: It's been a while.

Post by spunkie »

The legend that is Marino! Love to ask you more about your experience with Jo Guest mate, I know you did at least one photoset with her, not sure if you did any other work with her? I?ve often wondered if you did anything with Jo off camera...thst you?d be willing to share?! Hope you?re well mate!
Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: It's been a while.

Post by Kennyfield »

Legend! I for one would be chuffed to see some behind the scenes stuff. I imagine that OnlyFans and the like require endless addition of content however.

Can I ask a different question. Why did you give up the porn? Was there a specific reason, or just fancied doing something different?

All the best in Spain!
Posts: 40
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: It's been a while.

Post by NatalieK »

OMG, Marino, we never shot together, alas, Pascal has asked to shoot a few times, i?ve declined, only as my partner and I have always shot our own content...

anyway, he and you spoke years back, it?s a pleasure to see you and hear you back on the scene, omg, we?re also now residing in Espana, here near Alicante...

you need to email us

we can meet, tapas, fiesta, everything else that goes with here in the sun.

Would love to speak about some ideas, some already in process but could do with jumping them over the border.

Hope to hear from you, Both, me and my partner, all the best and stay safe!
Kisses, Natalie K xxx
[url=]my official blog[/url]